Monday, August 2, 2010

Al on Letterman, Ray on Fallon

The first time I saw someone I knew on Letterman, I was amazed. It's a great feeling for some reason. It is still cool.

Check out Lucas Hubbard's suit. Ray is only Playing that 335 because he's afraid someone at Gibson might see and make him pay for it, Lucas too. Look at George Reiff on bass, now playing Lilith Fair. He mixed the new "Get ready for the Beaumonts" cd coming out on August 29th on Arclight records.

Ray's Video

Electric Guitar Design in Action

My freind and client, Alejandro Escovedo and Bruce Springsteen at the Stone Pony both playing my guitars. And video to prove it. These guitars I made for Al to tour with. They both are examples of vintage inspiration modified to be the best they can be, both musically and as a solid, predictably flawless tool for the performer. The necks are carbon reinforced creating enduring stability and vastly improved tone. The guitars also have static, hand-made non adjustable bridges which again are drastic improvements in tone versus the adjustable tune-o-matic style. They are finished by me by hand with nitrocellulose lacquer. The result is a guitar that sounds great and can be travelled without the neck moving, it simply doesn't need to be tweaked. The action is always like I set it, the sound improves with time and use. The best of vintage and modern design.